
The Czech Leonberger Club

"In the beginning God created men,
and when knew, how is weak, gave him the dog"

Excluding defects

Every ever so little divergence from "Standard plemene" must be appreciation as a defauld, every more expressive as a mistake. The appreciation must be in the exact ratio with the divergence level and must be taken into accont how much is the substance (above all character, type, harmony, movement) disturbed.

Disqualifying faults:

  • Shy and aggressive dogs.
  • Severe anatomical faults (i.e. pronounced cow hocks, pronounced roach back, bad swayback; front feet turning out extremely. Totally insufficient angulation of shoulder, elbow, stifle or hock joints.
  • Brown nose leather.
  • Very strong lack of pigment in lips.
  • Absence of teeth (with the exception of M3). Over-or undershot or other faults in mouth.
  • Eyes without any brown.
  • Entropion, ectropion.
  • Distinct ring tail or too highly curled up tail.
  • Brown pads.
  • Cords or strong curls.
  • Faulty colours (brown with brown nose and brown pads; black and tan; black; silver; wild-coat colour).
  • Complete lack of mask.
  • oo much white (reaching from toes onto pasterns), white on chest larger than palm of hand, white in other places).

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Fore limb posture
Fore limb posture Fore limb posture Fore limb posture
Divergent (French) Normal Convergent (turnet aside elbow)
Back limb posture
Back limb posture Back limb posture Back limb posture
Cow Normal Barrel

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