
The Czech Leonberger Club

"In the beginning God created men,
and when knew, how is weak, gave him the dog"

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About our club

LeonbergerThe Czech Leonberger Club was established 20th September 1988 with activity across the whole Czech Republic. Before that leonberbers had been ranked in the group of low-numerous breeds. Within FCI the breeds are divided into 10 groups, leonbergers have been allocated to the Group 2 – molossoids and mountain dogs.

Everyone incuding foreign fanciers, being in possesion of a leonberger or not can become a member of the Club. At the moment there are two leonberger clubs in the Czech Republic, whereas our Club is bound to act as the Leonberger Breed guarantee. One can be the member of both clubs but his right to breed is limited to one club only according to his choice.

The Club Committe publishes the Club Newsletter four times a year and spreads it by mail to all members free of charge thus informing them about incoming events and breeding actions as junior meetings, breeding exams, shows, club days etc. and bringing them important news from FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale), ÈMKU (Czech-Moravian Cynology Union), ILU (Intenational Leonberger Union), UKOZ (Central Commission for Animal Protection), Veterinary Chamber etc. Each club member is entitled to send opinions, experience, proposals, stories and critical comments to be published in the Newsletter.

The first three-day Leonberger Days brough leo-fanciers together in 1991. Since then the Club orgaizes the Leonberger Days twice a year inlusive puppy presentations, junior meetings, breeding and re-breeding exams incl. character test etc. These days offer also a country band and dancing in the evening, and many new friendships.

Club members
President: Milan Pavlovský, Ke Hrádku 5, 148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice tel.: 271 911 207, e-mail: silverb@promail.cz
Vice-President: Ladislav Dejdar, Jiráskova 245, 566 01 Vysoké Mýto Tel.: 608 951 675, LadaDejdar@seznam.cz
Secretary: Alois Velecký, Chodov 192, 345 33 p. Trhanov tel.: 607 977 132, e-mail: daxet@centrum.cz
Chief Breed Warden: Petra Konečná, Myslbekova 735, 463 03 Stráž nad Nisou tel.: 606 209 184

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