You will find here females that are pregnant (proved by the sono) and litters recently born until all puppies are sold. This means that in the listed kennels there are still one or more puppies available.
Num. of puppies = number of puppies born: male/female (example: ½ = one male, two females). The collection of = can not be sold before the 50th day after the birth
President z Merboltic | ||
Father: | Berry Od slapského jezera | |
Mother: | C´est La Vie Beta Gruis | |
Breeder: | S.Stanková, Merboltice | |
Phone: | 606642281 | |
E-mail: | | |
Web: | | |
Litter: | F - 12. srpna 2024 | |
Puppies: | 3/6 | |
K odběru od: | ||
Z hostovické tvrze | ||
Father: | Idax Fejo Zlota Elita | |
Mother: | Amálka Leslí od Pískoviny | |
Breeder: | O.Kozlík, Rozárov | |
Phone: | 732449463 | |
E-mail: | | |
Web: | | |
Litter: | E - 24. září 2024 | |
Puppies: | ||
K odběru od: | ||